Flooding in Middle Tennessee, Spring Creek area

August 18th, 2010, Tennessee got a second round of flooding (the May floods that inundated Nashville being the first). I happened to be free that day and took full advantage of the opportunity to shoot some dramatic flood photos. Let me first say that floods are horrible, and many people's homes and property were destroyed. It's hard for me to balance my sadness for the disaster and loss while being equally awed at natures raw destructive forces. Please don't mistake my enthusiasm for a lack of sympathy for those whose property was lost or damaged. These photos were taken under the Waterloo road bridge over Spring Creek. Spring Creek at flood stage detail, under the Waterloo Rd Bridge, Overton Co, TN
Spring Creek under the Waterloo Rd Bridge, Overton Co, TN

These photos are of Waterloo Falls, normally a 35 foot waterfall.
Waterloo Falls, Spring Creek, Overton County, Tennessee 7
Waterloo Falls, Spring Creek, Overton County, Tennessee 8

These photos were taken from Waterloo road bridge, looking downstream towards Upper Waterloo Falls. Look for people in the after photo for scale.
Spring Creek at flood stage from Waterloo Rd bridge, Overton Co, TN Spring Creek from Waterloo Rd Bridge, Overton Co, TN


Alexis said…
These before & after are incredible. Thanks for taking the time to record them. What a literally moving & humbling event this was.

Beautiful photographs of nature's fury.

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